ESE-707-Length Comparator Test Apparatus

Product description

A Length Comparator is a precise measuring tool applied to examine the shrinkage or expansion of length in cement, mortar, or concrete specimens. It is widely used in laboratories to measure properties of materials under standard testing procedures. Below is a detailed description tailored to your requirement:

Length Comparator for Cement Testing

The Length Comparator is an indispensable testing apparatus used for measuring changes in dimensions of cementitious materials.
Built into high-quality and strong materials, it ensures durability, accuracy, and reliability during the test runs.

Prime Features:

  • Frame : A rigid metallic frame with a stable base to ensure accurate reading.
  • Dial Gauge : Highly sensitive dial gauge with a sensitivity of 0.001 mm to read fine variations in length.
  • Invar Reference Bar : Fitted with an invar bar for calibration purposes, thus ensuring consistency and accuracy in measurements.
  • Compatibility: It is for cylindrical or prismatic specimens and generally used in standard cement and concrete tests.
  • Meets standards -ASTM C490, BS EN, IS, and standards on cement testing.

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